So over the last few days I have been thinking about the things that I have achieved (or not!) over the last year. It has been a very hard year with family bereavment and illnesses meaning that I have seen a lot more of the inside of hospital wards than is right for anyone to experience... so although I am not a great one for New Years Resolutions, this year I am going to make some choices to enhance my life.
I aim to:
1. Spend time with my family.
This is a very important part of my life already and I aim to spend time with my family every weekend but sometimes I need convincing of the fact that we don't have to spend time out of the house to enjoy this! I will also continue to make a lot of use of our National Trust membership as we are surrounded by properties that make for fantastic family time!
2. Lose Weight to make myself healthy.
I am not going to let this one become the usual failed resolution as from previous years... this year I have already managed to lost 1.5 stone and hope to maintain this level of loss....
3. Try something new every month.
I am to try something new every month - this could be a big thing or small but I am going to try 12 new things over the year. I will then blog about the experiences on here...
4. Plan a baby...
We would love to have another baby in the near(ish) future... this means that I have to plan ahead because as a teacher I have to be in post for a set time before gaining enhanced maternity - this is the only way that we can affford the 5 months off!!! Watch this space for progress on this later in the year!
5. To be a successful blogger...
I have recently begun this blog and aim to continue it - even if it is just for myself and I have no readers!!
6. To knit an item for myself...
I constantly knit items for other people and this year I am going to make a cardigan for myself! I have the yarn already and the pattern (finally after having to re-find thanks to the wonders of Ebay!)...
7. To try and include at least one vegetarian recipe each week into our diet...
Following a request from my OH I have made this a concious decision for this year... we will see how this goes!
8. To use a new recipe each week from my books...
I will blog about each new recipe on here and chart the ups and downs from this challenge!
I will blog over the next 12 months about the successes and failures that I have in relation to these goals - I will be brutally honest as I think that this is the only way to be!
I would like to wish everyone the best of wishes for 2012 and hope it is a fantastic year!