I have finally started my new blog after being reminded of how much I wanted to write one by http://whatcanicookwiththis.wordpress.com/ and inspired by reading of blogs such as http://littlecottonrabbits.typepad.co.uk/. My blog is a combination about my two favourite hobbies... any needle related craft (mostly knitting) and cooking!
I love to explore all textile crafts in all dimensions although I am yet to try patchwork... watch this space! I LOVE to knit and have recently completed some smaller projects and am halfway through a project for Ethan (my little boy). I will post about this project at a later date!
The books are already been well thumbed over the last couple of days and I have marked the 'just can't wait' recipes! This evening I made a curry from the I Love Curry book. Ethan's (my son) Godfather is here for a Christmas visit and so I decided to make a special curry... I made the Beef Madras and it was lovely! I followed the instructions from beginning to end and the only thing I would say is that it can end up quite runny with the liquid and you need to make sure that the last bit of cooking is completed without the lid to allow for some evaporation and thickening of the sauce.
I also had another lovely (but emotional) gift on Christmas Day. I recently lost a very close aunt to a brain tumour and my uncle (her husband) had been sorting through her craft things and arrived on Christmas morning with my aunt's wool stash!
I felt very honoured and priviliged to have the chance to inherit this from her! She and my Mum were the two people who taught me to knit and so this was a very special present to receive! As you can see from the photo it is quite a stash!!! I am thinking of making a blanket from a lot of wool so that it will be a lasting tribute to her. I would also like to make a blanket for any future child that we have from it as she made a whole set of clothes for Ethan when he was born and I felt that this would be little way of her gifting something to another child if we are blessed with one in the future.
I hope that this first posting has given a little insight into my life as a crafter and cooker! I am off now to work on the outfit for Ethan I mentioned earlier!!
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