Wednesday, 28 August 2013

A long time since the last visit!

I must first apologise for the time between the last post and this one! There have been several big events in our lives from either end of the emotion spectrum and so blogging has been the last thing on my mind! I feel that I am back now and the mojo has returned! :)

The first major event happened the day after the last post... on a routine visit to the GP I was discovered to be pregnant with baby number 2! To say that this was a shock is an understatement!! I had recently been told at Christmas that my chances of conceiving another baby were at best, very slim... but lo and behold... a little blue line appeared in a test!! I was over the moon but have had a very up and down pregnancy so far - all is well with us both - just not the easiest pregnancy!

Then my Dad has been very ill since Christmas really with a heart issue that they cannot seem to regulate... this resulted in a major stroke two weeks ago. This has hit us all hard as at 64 years old he is very young to have this. His age has rescued him recovery wise and he seems to be on the best path now.

These wonderful summer holidays have passed so quickly and are too fast! DS begins school in a weeks time... a poignant moment that is both happy and sad for me! My little baby boy is growing up rapidly and at a pace that I can't seem to keep up with but at the same time I am excited as he enters a major stage in his life. The uniform buying has been staggered and so not too traumatic.

We have had a variety of different days out over the holidays (in local area as one of my problems is that my pelvis has become partially dislocated)... fun and laughter has abounded and we have loved it... here are a selection of pictures detailing our adventures:
Painting a wooden train that we built.

Cooking a variety of things has featured very heavily on the list of activities!

Gingerbread this time!

Messing around on the beach...

Enjoying a lovely train ride from a local station to Plymouth.

Sat on the platform waiting for the train.

Conquering a massive fear of owls by flying one!!!

Stroking the Eagle Owl...

Finding out the new arrival is another boy! 
Proud of his carrots from the veg patch :)

Art time making a race track with Mummy...
The next few days are going to be filled with memory making activities and the flurry that accompanies the beginning of school term! I am not returning to work this term due to pregnancy related issues so I have a term to enjoy and relax before the baby arrives... plenty of time for craft things! :)
I am currently working on a blanket for 'Jellybean' and will reveal the results soon... I will be back with another Ta Da moment tomorrow revealing the blanket that I have made for a friends imminent mini arrival!
Until tomorrow....


  1. Oh Honey, I am sat here with soft, hot, happy tears running down my cheeks on reading this news - many, many, MANY congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Thank you! I was so happy when finding out... if a little shocked!! Another boy is going to keep me on my toes so pregnancy out of the way and then complete new health regime begins! Hope that you are well xxxxxxxx

  3. now I can make a baby quilt or we can have a sewing bee and get together and make one for baby boy xxx
