I had managed to get some wonderful yarn from Black Sheep at Westpoint in Exeter that had been reduced from £4.99 a ball to £1.50 a ball at the show... a bargain!! I promptly purchased 6 balls without knowing really what I was going to make with them but knew the right project would come along for such a lovely yarn. When Rachel told me about her baby then I knew this was the right project. Originally I had also purchased a very bright pink but left that out until I knew what gender the baby was going to be! Luckily so as it turned out at the scan that she is expecting a boy... another ball of blue was promptly sent off for.
I started by working out a pattern of colours on squared paper as I wanted to get the correct number of squares. I worked the correct amount in the first colour and made 10 squares - just the correct amount for each ball.
The pattern is as follows: (in UK terms not US):
Chain 4 - join into a ring with sl st into first chain.
Rnd 1: 1 tr, *ch 2, 3 tr into ch ring; repeat from * 2 more times and end with ch2, 2 tr.
Rnd 2: *(3 tr, ch2, 3 tr) into ch loop of previous rnd, ch1; rep from * 3 more times.
Rnd 3: 1tr, ch1, (*3tr, ch2, 3 tr) into next chain loop, 3 tr, ch1 into next ch loop. Rep from *2 more times and end with (3tr, ch2, 3tr) into ch loop, ch1, 2tr.

I love the colour combination of this blanket... I have tried to make it suitable for a Moses basket or pram. The baby is due in 3 weeks time so this should get plenty of use in the cooler weather of Autumn!
I chose to add a border of two rows of double crochet all the way around in the same blue yarn as in the main body of the blanket.
This is a shot of the back. I joined all the squares together using double crochet in the green yarn that had been used for the green squares. I like the contrast that it has made on some of the squares and the blending it has on others.
I am off to the post office to post this to Rachel this afternoon as we had planned on meeting last week but my Dad's illness has prevented this. I am hoping that her reaction is going to be favourable.
I am now working on the next blanket project... one for Jellybean! Reveal of work in progress later!
Until then....